Monday, November 17, 2008

Teeth & Poop

The pictures don't show all her new teeth, but Zoe has had four new top teeth cut through at once this past week! Brian and I have each been bitten once this week, and have the marks to prove it...I'm sure it wasn't out of spite, we must taste good...

On a different note, we had a rather unpleasant event take place this afternoon of which I purposefully provided no pictures. As many of you know, Aaron has been refusing his afternoon nap off and on for some time now. Well, today was another such day. However, when I went in to get him up from his so-called "naptime", I was horrified to find a big ol' poopy diaper lying in the floor next to Aaron, who was free bird from the waist down, with one pant leg hanging onto his ankle for dear life. He had poop smeared all over the back of his legs, and on the carpet (since he decided to sit his poopy bum down a few times while he was "playing"). Oh, and he had also peed on the carpet, too. My hunch is that once the diaper was off, there was nowhere to go but on the carpet. He knew this whole event wasn't the way it should go, and as I stood there looking at him, not knowing if I should laugh or cry, he just looked at me and raised his eyebrows, half-smiling, saying "Yes, Ma'am" several times in a row. This was clearly his confession. I opened the window, turned on the fan, threw the poopy diaper away, and left the room. I ran Aaron a bath and sat on the couch for a moment, trying to regroup, knowing I'd have a big mess to clean up. After I bathed Aaron and had him sitting in his highchair with a snack and an Elmo Show to watch, I never cleaned a room so thoroughly in my life. He was on to the next thing, unaware of the nasty mess he's created for me. Needless to say, tomorrow is a new day, and maybe then I won't feel like an old hag.

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