Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Since the Move

She likes to put her shirt up over her head these days and calls it a hat.

They've been soooo tired since the move...this is how today started out. Since then, Aaron took a FOUR hour nap this afternoon AND went to bed around 6:30pm!!! Soooo sleepy.

Little Miss Shu Tu =)

Big boy eating his meat and potatoes so he can be big and strong and "kiss the guns". =)
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Disney & Such

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Fall 2009

Big boy wearing his new snow jacket from KK, which has been coming in handy a lot lately, since we moved to Louisville, Kentucky!

Cheeeeese! Lost my front tooth a couple days since we moved to Kentucky.

Little monkey climbing up in the wall unit.

Okay, so I see a pattern going on here...Summer 2009, Fall 2009...next it might be Winter 2010, who knows? Oh well, at least there's some sort of update going on here, right? =)

Friday, October 2, 2009

Summer 2009 - Long Overdue!!

We had so much fun celebrating the 4th of July with Papa J, JJ and Mimi in Peachtree City, Georgia! Zoe especially loved eating this popsicle during the parade. She ate every last bit that didn't already end up on her!

I took the kids to get pictures done in an attempt to capture a recent picture with the two of them together - no way Jose! I could only get separate photos. Zoe would not stop being a busy monkey long enough to be in a photo with Aaron. I think this might be the only moment where she wasn't climbing, running or figiditing in some way.

On the other hand, Aaron was willing to do anything for a baseball. He kept going around the studio looking for "the bat". He assumed where there is a ball, there must be a bat...never could find a bat.

During one of our summer trips to Atlanta to visit with relatives, we met up with Papa Z, Nana, and several long-distance relatives, including Grandma and Grandpa Z! =) We all went to a flea market and had a blast! While we were there, Papa Z spoiled Aaron with this blue guitar. The irony here is that Aaron has been wanting a blue guitar for months now. He was so excited, that's all he could think about. The blue guitar has been loved on, and surprisingly still has two strings in tact to this day, hee hee. =) Thanks, Papa Z!

Zoe has figured out how to climb up on the sofas, and she likes to stand up and work the blinds. She's such a little monkey! She's also started talking a lot. Some of her top favorite words to say are: show (TV), wah-why (water or milk), peeeeeas! (please), dah-ee (daddy, or course!). She is a daddy's girl through and through and has him totally wrapped! Her little personality has really come out this summer. I can't believe she'll be 18 months old in just a few days!

Monday, June 29, 2009

Cheesecake & VeggieTales

Our day of adventure ended at The Cheesecake Factory, Yum! What an awesome weekend!

As a side note, this morning, Aaron discovered a jumbo-sized zucchini that was given to Brian at work, and Aaron asked, "Aaron hold VeggieTale"? He held it like a baby and talked to it. He seemed to be relating it with the characters in the many VeggieTales DVDs he watches. So cute!

Brian and I enjoyed the birthday get-away in Orlando this past weekend, but we are glad to be back with the kiddos again (of course, they were having a blast with KK while we were gone).

The Holy Land Experience Theme Park

These mushrooms seats were perfect for taking in the live performances.

"Jonah and the Whale"

The children's section was very colorful and full of creatures and Bible characters.

A miniature replica of Jerusalem at the time of Christ. There were so many details. This photo doesn't even begin to show the extent of this exhibit.

Infront of a replica of Jesus' Tomb

Beautiful Gardens!
It's actually astro turf he's standing on.
"Jerusalem Market"

Enjoying a Shofar Sounding

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Basket Hats & Chicken Broth

Aaron has had a stomach bug lately, and he seems to dig chicken broth...as long as he can drink it through a straw. =)


Basket Hat

Monday, June 15, 2009

Peas & Carrots

I like to eat little boxes of raisins nowadays...box included.

Aaron & Mama cuddling on the couch

Aaron is getting to the age where he "gets" picture taking time and loves to ham it up. Meanwhile, you can see Zoe in the background, climbing on "Daddy Mountain" and being the wild woman that she is. These truly are the days for me to remember. After a week on what we described to Aaron as his "vacation", I have missed my babies badly, and I'm appreciating these times so much more than before. Peas and carrots!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

We Miss You, KK!

Well, after literally years of the whole family begging her to get her pictures made for us, my sister, Katie finally gave in.

We're glad we get to see her mug in these pictures since we miss her so much.

And we know she's enjoying her classes and right where the Lord would have her...

...but we sure can't wait till the next time we get to see her!

We love you, KK!

Monday, May 25, 2009


The blue hippo walker has become a toy to be desired around here. Aaron keeps trying to push Zoe in the blue hippo walker as if he's strolling her across the carpet. She loves it and he works really hard, pumping those little muscles, heehee. =)

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Climbing Cribs & Walking Treadmills...What A Workout!

Zoe found an empty box in Brian's office, and had so much fun sitting in it!

Two peas in a pod. I just didn't have the heart to move Aaron back to his bed in the middle of the night.

Burning off some energy with Daddy.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The One Year Old Birthday Girl in her fine jewels from Mimi.

This cake is delicious, but I'm zonked out!

The Yummy Cake

The bathroom door was left open while filling up the tub for bathtime, and you can see what looked interesting to Aaron.

Shortly after, Zoe arrives to join in on the fun.

Special times with KK before she goes back to school. Aaron wearing one of her Gator T-shirts to help keep the memories.

Aaron saying his goodbyes to KK as she leaves for school. See you soon, KK!

Early in the walking process...oops.

Potty Training gone bad.