Friday, October 10, 2008

Fudge Face & Leaning Tower of Zoe

Aaron saw me eating a fudgepop and used his manners and asked "peas" (translated please) so I let him go for it - that is, AFTER I took off his shirt! He ate the entire thing and even licked the stick. Yum!

Alright, so this is the best I could do for now. Zoe is technically sitting up now, but only for about half a minute, and then she starts "the lean" and I've got to catch her.

Not too much else going on for us this week...just more of the same - eat, sleep, poop, eat sleep, poop, repeat. =) I am working on quilts for the kiddos though. If they start to look more like quilts, then maybe I'll post them for all you curious birds. =)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That's too cute! I love the title!