We had so much fun celebrating the 4th of July with Papa J, JJ and Mimi in Peachtree City, Georgia! Zoe especially loved eating this popsicle during the parade. She ate every last bit that didn't already end up on her!

I took the kids to get pictures done in an attempt to capture a recent picture with the two of them together - no way Jose! I could only get separate photos. Zoe would not stop being a busy monkey long enough to be in a photo with Aaron. I think this might be the only moment where she wasn't climbing, running or figiditing in some way.

On the other hand, Aaron was willing to do anything for a baseball. He kept going around the studio looking for "the bat". He assumed where there is a ball, there must be a bat...never could find a bat.
During one of our summer trips to Atlanta to visit with relatives, we met up with Papa Z, Nana, and several long-distance relatives, including Grandma and Grandpa Z! =) We all went to a flea market and had a blast! While we were there, Papa Z spoiled Aaron with this blue guitar. The irony here is that Aaron has been wanting a blue guitar for months now. He was so excited, that's all he could think about. The blue guitar has been loved on, and surprisingly still has two strings in tact to this day, hee hee. =) Thanks, Papa Z!
Zoe has figured out how to climb up on the sofas, and she likes to stand up and work the blinds. She's such a little monkey! She's also started talking a lot. Some of her top favorite words to say are: show (TV), wah-why (water or milk), peeeeeas! (please), dah-ee (daddy, or course!). She is a daddy's girl through and through and has him totally wrapped! Her little personality has really come out this summer. I can't believe she'll be 18 months old in just a few days!